Examples on how to use these utilities


Demands: E-mail

To get a free homepage you just click on one of the links to a free homepage,  and fill out the form that will appear.


Do the same as before. (Very easy) 



Demands: E-mail, homepage

Again just link you to the server, and fill out the form.

But remenber that when you are setting up your chat room, say no when you are asked if your room should be

connected to another chat room, if there are no visitors.

After this you will receive a E-mail, with the addres to your chat room and like.






If you have problems with lack of visitors, there can be 2 problems

. The design of your homepage

. You hav'nt up-loaded information about your homepage to search egines like alta vista (this is normely also free)



I am sorry but I are not quite finish with this page.